A story about my self.

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United States of America

Jun 23

Joined Sep 28, 2023

This is the man whose story is the man in the story.

I was born in a small town with low water an electricity. My parents struggled to raise me an their were difficulties we were facing. I grew up in my small town with the mentality that I will one day change the situation of my town and my country. Years past when I was in my town with no water and electricity. So there was a time my parents decide to take me to the city to be properly educated. I lived in the city with my uncle and aunt. There was sufficient water and electricity in the city. I lived in the city for many years and completed my education. After I completed my education an have a good paying job I went back to my small town and improved a lot of things in my town. I am now working at one of the greatest companies in my country. I have not yet accomplished a lot of things in my life but I am working to make sure that I meet all of the goals that I have set. My country now knows me as a great man who has helped many companies and people. I am living in one of the biggest houses in my country, I am one of the richest men in my country. I have bought and build houses, cars, yachts, islands and many more. My company in my country has more than twenty-six thousand (26,000) staffs. I have companies in countries such as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, all of the countries in the UNITED KINGDOM, FRANCE, INDIA. PHILIPPINE, and many other countries. I have built mansions and hotels in different parts of the world. I have built schools and hospitals in my country and also in other countries. I have bought private jets and helicopters for personal use, public, and the government. The reason why I have made this kind of money is because of determination and hard work and now I am gaining more knowledge in WORDPULS. An advice from me to you people is not to give up focus on your future and be persevere.

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