
All girls at school

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Joined Oct 31, 2023

While we support their education, we also provide them schools materials for a quality education.

One of gender-based violence uses to start early in the girls life. And it's start with parent's choice to not get girls to school when they are disadvantaged families. Despite the efforts of the government in Haiti, this discrimination still exists and leads all of gender-based violence all along their woman life. Educate girls is the first step to end gender-based violence and to achieve gender equity.

This is why I create an association, Solidarité Africaine pour Haïti, which provides scholarships for girls from disadvantage area and families, and marginalized girls like orphan girls or girls from monoparental families.

We need your support (materials schools or financial support) to get girls to school. We have since now 24 recipients and we would like to increase our impact by continuing get girls to school and maintain them at school.

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