
Calling for Support for Our New, Trafficking Survivor Coaching Program

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Jill Langhus

United States of America

Oct 11

Joined Nov 11, 2016

Emma Lees, transformational life coach

Emma Lees has been volunteering with Liluye for the last couple of years and is also now on our board. She is a trained transformational life coach and currently working with several NGO leaders to support them in creating their vision and to maximize their impact. Now, she's developing a group program for trafficking survivors (or coachees), creating a supportive space through coaching (group and one on one), training, and an online community (slated for launch later this year).

This pilot program will be open to those identifying as female (aged 25 and over) for a group of approximately 8 coachees, and will take 12 weeks for most to complete. These are the overarching program goals:

  • To create a safe space, or growth container, for coachees to be brilliant and imperfect as they learn and grow together.
  • To review their lives right now, get to know themselves and their deepest wishes and dream big to maximise their potential in a supportive and safe environment.
  • To self acknowledge through vision, values, strengths, and growth opportunities.
  • To identify their self limiting beliefs and inner barriers.
  • To break through their inner barriers into a new, empowered story and way of life. 
  • To clarify their life's vision and create a new, fulfilling plan. 
  • To be on a growth path, moving towards their vision.

In order to start developing the most effective and impactful program possible, Emma is conducting brief interviews with trafficking survivors to understand any challenges in regard to the program and what would be the most helpful to them. Preferably these interviews would be in person online (maximum 45 minutes), or alternatively she can send a list of questions via email. If you're interested in helping to co-create this transformational new program and participate in an interview, comment below or email Emma directly by next Wednesday, 7th June at ejlees@gmail.com.

As a thank you for your time, Emma is happy to offer one, free personal coaching session or one, free recorded meditation.

If you are also interested in more information about the program, are aware of other similar programs or resources that could be of use, or are interested in collaborating, comment below and/or email Emma directly at ejlees@gmail.com.

Many thanks for your time and support!

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