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Elizabeth Francis

Trinidad and Tobago

Jan 31

Joined Jan 23, 2016

Hello my amazing siters , I greet all of you from wherever you call home across the globe ,from my beautiful Island home in the ,sun,sea and sand breezy Caribbean Islands ..

We made it and we are grateful , last years victories, accomplishments , highs ,and lows ,lessons all helped to empower us , to build us ,to prepare us to continue this amazing journey

Whatever your plans are lets go forth as champions , expecting nothing but success ,lifting others as we rise .

Gods blessings to you all and your families as we go after more in 2024

I encourage you to choose a word or two which will inspire or encourage you to meet a desired goal you set for this year

Mines is Discipline and my goal Health and Fitness and Starting my Masters by faith .I definitely need discipline to break some bad eating habits ,improve and stick to my fitness routine and better manage my time properly to make room for added studies .

Whats your Word ?Comment below

Big hugs and Much love my sisters ,wee you in a meeting room soon .

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