
Irish Singer Aíne Tyrrell's 📣 People Like Me And You 📣 DV Campaign

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Vyva Entertainment


Joined Feb 6, 2024

SAíne Tyrrell is an Irish musical artist that has roots deeply embedded in the Women’s Wellness and Domestic Violence sphere. 

Having suffered DV herself, Aine is currently working on a beautiful project to merge art with programs to work with women thriving after adversity and abuse. We have plans for it to be much more than just a first release for her upcoming album; Aine will be hosting an online event this Thursday evening (AEST) to create connections in the community, as well as fundraise for her upcoming events. 

Our goal is to raise 60k for Aíne to fund upcoming music videos and tours around Australia where she will provide talks, workshops, and performances at Women's Wellness Centers and Women's Spaces, growing interest in order to create programs for DV survivors and women of every walk of life.

Normally artists release the end result of months of planning that goes into a video and music release, but we want YOU involved from the start because it is about PEOPLE LIKE ME AND YOU. This collaborative approach is the very definition of thriving after abuse and marks the beginning of a movement.

We’re on a mission to raise awareness, funds and do things more wholistically.

We’d love to make beautiful connections in the World Pulse community, and inspire to action impactful changes in Australia, where we’re based, and beyond!

We hope to see you at the event :)

Thursday 8th Feb 7:30pm (AEST) 8:30am (IST)


REGISTER for this Crowdcast to get excited with us, support the initial phase of a collaborative music video and help set the stage for a larger movement of hope and resilience that focuses on prevention through to recovery.

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