Join Us in Empowering Herat's Women

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Joined Oct 12, 2023

Your support can make a significant impact. Join us to be a beacon of hope in their time of darkness and help them rebuild their lives and communities.  Please stand with us in empowering the women of Herat.

We're reaching out with an urgent cause close to our hearts. Afghan women from around the world have come together to support the women of Herat, Afghanistan, who are facing a dire situation.Your support can make a significant impact. Join us to be a beacon of hope in their time of darkness and help them rebuild their lives and communities. Please stand with us in empowering the women of Herat.

This heartwarming campaign was initiated by Afghan women hailing from various corners of the globe, coming together with a shared mission: to extend a helping hand to the women in Herat who found themselves in dire need. Their plight became all too apparent on the tragic day of 7th October when Herat was struck by a devastating disaster. In the aftermath, the entire community mobilized to support affected families, but amid this collective effort, a group of women remained particularly vulnerable. These women were without the means to make a living, as they lacked the essential resources, such as beadmakers, that many others took for granted.

The primary objective of this campaign is to raise $10,000, with the sincere aim of providing much-needed assistance to the women of Herat who were left isolated and unsupported during this trying time. By uniting their efforts, the global Afghan women behind this initiative aspire to not only offer financial relief but also convey a profound sense of solidarity and empowerment to their fellow women in Herat. In doing so, they hope to be a beacon of hope in a time of darkness and pave the way for these women to rebuild their lives and communities.

Direct Link of Donation for Herat women:

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