Life as we know it

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Gloria M


Jun 30

Joined Mar 5, 2024

For anyone who needs to hear this...

We all have different views on life based on our experiences and knowledge. I decided to interview my five year old niece Alicia and my seventy year old grandmother about their thoughts on life.

First,I interviewed my five year old niece Alicia, here's what she had to say.

ME:So Alicia,it's been five years of existence in this world,what do you think about life so far?

Alicia:There's a lot of colours ,like when the sun rises ,it's so big and orange and bright.And the trees are green and they like dancing when there's wind and they drop yummy fruits to the ground .And I saw a caterpillar moving on a tree branch,it was so small moving slowly on a big tree.And the rainbow has many colours too,my big brother Jason says they're seven .I wish I could catch all the rainbow colours.I don't like broccoli or carrots or kale they're not tasty like candy.When I eat veggies they are just squishy ,crunch ,in my mouth but mummy says they're good for me.

ME:So you don't like veggies,what else don't you like about life, Alicia

Alicia: I don't like it when my best friend Sally is sad,like the other day ,I told her her pigtails looked funny and she became sad.It made me feel sad too.I told her I was really sorry , made her a friendship bracelet ,she forgave me and smiled.Now we're best friends forever and have matching bracelets.

ME:And what do you like about life so far?

Alicia: I like it when mummy hugs me when I'm sad.When daddy tucks me in for bed time and reads me a funny story.I like it when you ,my auntie, play with me and tickle me till I almost pee my pants.I like it when grandma makes me yummy cake for my birthday and my brother Jason chases me around the house and smears some cake all over my face.I like my dog,Spotty,he lies to lick my face , we play fetch and run around in the garden together.

Then I interviewed my grandmother ,her answers were a bit longer than Alicia's and had so much more depth in them.

ME: Grandmother,you've had seventy years of existence what do you think about life so far?

GRANDMOTHER:Life is closing your eyes ,seeing your younger self dancing under the stars with your beloved.Forgetting all the troubles of the world and the fears lurking in the shadows It's standing at the altar, whispering I do as you look into the eyes of the one you love and seeing your love reflected in their eyes.A ring.A promise of eternal love.Running,hand in hand ,as your family and friends throw rice above your heads wishing you a happy life together.

Life is sitting crumpled on the floor with tears flowing down your face.Grieving your unborn,an angel you dreamed of meeting one day,but, a miscarriage stopped you.Its your beloved holding you tight, grieving with you ,letting you know you're not alone in that pain, whispering in your ear"We'll get through this,we will be okay ,I love you."

Life is finally being called a mother after years of doctors and fertility shots.Watching your baby crying, reaching out to you.Craddling her in your arms,kissing her head and silently humming a lullaby as her tiny eyelids flutter and close.Its watching as she dream peacefully.

Life is selling your home due to piling debts and having to move into a cramped apartment.Its finding strength in one another as life throws curveballs at you and being grateful for what you still have.Life is applauding proudly as you watch your daughter receive her diploma ,she's off to start her new life.Life is celebrating with her the holidays as a family.Wearing funny matching christmas clothes and posing for a picture by the Christmas tree.Life is watching her achieve her wildest dreams and encouraging her to keep moving during tough times.

Life is walking her down the aisle together with your beloved.Life is sitting on the couch listening to your beloved complain of back pain,you complain of your sore neck and you both laugh at how old you've both grown.

I noticed that both grandmother and Alicia were saying the same thing but in different words.....Life is now,cherish both the good and bad times in order to make lasting memories with your loved ones .

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