
Profiling and Mapping of Agricultural Value Chain Actors

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Harriet Afandi


Nov 17

Joined Dec 12, 2022

Photo Credit: My Agri-Preneur badge

The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation (UN FAO) is working with the Kenya Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries to promote sustainable Agriculture.

I was previledged to be among the Agri-Preneurs/Enumerators chosen to conduct the exercise of Profiling and mapping of agricultural value chain actors at the community level.

I was able to reach a total of 320 farmholds after and am happy to say that this exercise that was under the project of National Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (NAVCDP) is going to transform the future of Kenya especially on Matters Climate Change.

Any kind of farming that promotes climate change is what the world needs now. Especially organic farming, water harvesting, crop rotation, conservation agriculture and so on.

This exercise is aimed to aid the government in providing extension services to the small scale kenyan farmers.

The stakeholders included the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), UN FAO, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and The Local County Governments.

Happy to announce my next move in a few.

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