
#Reform Campaign to End Child Marriage

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Nandini Tanya Lallmon


Joined Mar 22, 2021

a) Context:

The practice of child marriage persists as a complex issue deeply entrenched in gender inequality, poverty, discriminatory laws, and cultural norms across Commonwealth countries. Children, especially girls, are forced into marriage due to various factors such as economic hardships, traditional customs, and crises like civil strife and natural disasters. This practice exposes children to violence, health risks, and threatens their overall well-being.

b) Why:

It is imperative to address child marriage as it not only perpetuates gender inequality but also violates fundamental human rights and undermines democratic principles. By allowing children to have a voice, agency, and access to education, we can break the cycle of poverty and empower them to lead fulfilling lives. Ending child marriage aligns with democratic ideals by advocating for equal rights, protection, and opportunities for all individuals, regardless of gender or socio-economic status.

c) What:

The #Reform campaign, spearheaded by CYGEN (Commonwealth Youth Gender and Equality Network), aims to advocate for the harmonization of national and customary laws across Commonwealth countries, setting the minimum age of marriage at 18 for both girls and boys. Additionally, the initiative focuses on investing in free, safe, quality, and compulsory education, particularly targeting out-of-school girls. The ultimate goal is to eradicate child marriage and create an environment where every child can thrive and fulfill their potential.

d) How:

The #Reform campaign is currently underway, strategically timed to coincide with the lead-up to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in October 2024, to be held in Samoa. This presents a crucial opportunity to engage with key stakeholders, including government officials, civil society representatives, and international partners, to prioritize the issue of child marriage on the agenda. The campaign utilizes various channels such as social media advocacy, policy briefings, and community dialogues to garner support and momentum leading up to this important event. By leveraging this platform, the campaign aims to catalyze meaningful policy change and collective action towards ending child marriage across Commonwealth nations.

e) Wins:

Through targeted lobbying and strategic partnerships, the campaign has successfully garnered support from a coalition of Commonwealth countries committed to addressing child marriage.

Policy reforms have been initiated in several member states, with legislative amendments underway to raise the minimum age of marriage to 18 for both girls and boys. Additionally, awareness-raising initiatives have been implemented at the community level, challenging harmful cultural norms and promoting the value of education for all children, particularly girls.

The campaign has leveraged digital platforms to amplify its message, reaching a broad audience and mobilizing grassroots support. Engaging youth activists and civil society organizations has been instrumental in driving momentum and fostering a sense of urgency around the issue.

f) Challenges:

The #Reform campaign has encountered various challenges in its efforts to combat child marriage across Commonwealth nations. One significant hurdle has been the resistance from entrenched cultural norms and traditional practices that perpetuate the acceptance of child marriage in certain communities. To address this challenge, the campaign has adopted a culturally sensitive approach, working closely with local leaders, religious authorities, and community elders to initiate dialogue and promote alternative values that prioritize the rights and well-being of children.

Another challenge has been navigating the complex legal landscapes of different countries, where outdated or discriminatory laws may hinder progress towards raising the minimum age of marriage. The campaign has tackled this obstacle through targeted advocacy efforts, engaging with policymakers, legal experts, and human rights advocates to push for legislative reforms that align with international standards. By highlighting the human rights implications of child marriage and the benefits of legal reform, the campaign has been able to build consensus and garner support for change.

Resource constraints have also posed a challenge, particularly in funding education and empowerment programs for vulnerable children, especially girls. To overcome this challenge, the campaign has forged partnerships with international donors, philanthropic organizations, and corporate sponsors to secure funding for initiatives aimed at increasing access to education, providing vocational training, and supporting economic empowerment for girls at risk of child marriage.

Despite these challenges, the #Reform campaign remains resilient and determined in its mission to end child marriage. By leveraging strategic partnerships, grassroots mobilization, and innovative advocacy strategies, the campaign continues to make progress towards its goal of creating a world where every child can grow up free from the harms of early and forced marriage.

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