Role of the environment and climatic changes in Women

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Jul 9

Joined Feb 3, 2023

Women are the backbone of the society and they are very fragile. A good, healthy, and safe environment is evident more in women since they are extremely affected by the happenings around it. Harsh climatic conditions play a role in damaging their present and future when remedy is not sought while the good climatic conditions give them room to thrive and become the best version of themselves. They replicate what you give them and the environment has adapted that too, do right by it and enjoy it, damage it, and pay for its consequences.

Drought and famine have sent depression and heartache in the way of women. Walking for long distances in search of water and food is devasting especially when they have no specific place to get them. They wander out there hoping to take something home for the children and the rest of the family. Giving them hope that tomorrow will dawn differently while the present isn’t assured is what they have to do—being strong for those they love when they are breaking down in silence.

From wandering around in search of water they are exposed to a lot of dangers, such as attacks from animals, kidnapping, and raping. Also, they become so vulnerable out of desperation to get food and water, they are easily taken advantage of and the consequences are early pregnancies that can lead to early marriages in communities that are against childbearing out of wedlock and can contract HIV/AIDS and STDs in the event they get involved with a sick person.

Floods wipe away a lot of wealth and things from livestock, houses, lives, vegetation, and businesses and in return, poverty creeps in. Rising back on one’s feet after such can be very slow and most girls end up dropping out of school, especially in communities that prioritize the boy child's education to that of the girl. Also in the of event poverty, the women get married off to help the family stand on its feet once again and even given away as collateral to acquire loans and food.

Harsh climatic conditions may end up getting so extreme and unbearable that the urge to keep going to school drops, this may be as a result of walking for long distances to get to school, having no permanent schools to acquire education from, and having no food to replenish their energy to concentrate and grasp the knowledge being passed on by their teachers.

Hygiene is important for women and more required during the menstrual cycle lack of water to clean themselves up poses a lot of medical dangers that can even cost them their wombs from damage caused by accumulating dirt and leads to medical disorders.

Conserving and taking good care of the environment creates sound surroundings with less or no dangers for women and everyone to thrive in. An unsafe environment threatens the future of the girlchild especially in communities where the girls are perceived as sacrificial lambs to get solutions to everything. Protect the environment and spare the future of women!

Food Security
Climate Change
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