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Elena Georgiou


Sep 15

Joined Mar 27, 2022



My second initiative is the Safe Universities - End Campus Violence. I did a case study on Campus Violence at the University of Cyprus in 2018-19 to find out why there was an increase in harassment and bullying at the University of Cyprus in the student halls where I worked and compared it with other Universities in Cyprus and Europe. During my research, I found out that there were no policies& good practices, no offices for complaints or reporting and that students were high-risk targets of rape, sexual harassment, and stalking. 

Most European universities offer several Social and Counselling support services but seldom specialize in gender violence, sexual harassment, and bullying. Instead, the institutions refer to governmental services to support the above issues. Also, the awareness of these issues is relatively poor. Therefore, there is a need for all institutions individually to implement a policy that combats gender violence for the protection of students on campuses. In the University setting, legislation and provision are thin. Unfortunately, there is no specific framework dealing with cases of gender violence, sexual harassment, and bullying when they arise. Some institutions are working on guidelines as part of university policy on sexual harassment or violence, but they have not yet been implemented.

Part of my recommendations included the creation of a new university office that will deal with gender-based violence. In addition, the organizational structure of the office and committees. Also, it would include counselors on sexual harassment and bullying, complaint proceedings, and prevention action plan. Unfortunately, there wasn't any office dealing with gender-based violence in 2018 or good practices at the University where I worked or in other Universities in my country, or very few Universities in Europe have good practices in dealing with gender-based violence on campuses. Therefore, creating this new office was needed in the University, and I hope to inspire other Universities to follow my lead. 

I did all this hard work because I was witnessing students reporting to the office I work, the housing office, that they were being bullied or harassed in the student halls; some others had reported violent episodes in the parking place, and others were seeking a place to stay because they wanted to escape their abusive families. I wanted to do something to help them out, so I decided to do a case study as my Master's thesis work and give the results and my recommendations to the authorities of the University and inform them about the situation.

As a result of my work, a new office was finally created, and the University instituted my valuable recommendations. I am now taking the next step with an initiative to make an impact in Universities globally.

My aim is to end campus violence globally. There is a need for a new office dealing with gender-based violence in Universities. Implement policies, good practices, and action plans to raise awareness about the issue.

The Safe Universities initiative is significant to me because it will raise awareness about the issues of violence on campuses around the world and end campus violence. In addition, I aim to make an impact on University Students in Cyprus/Europe and Globally and present the new office I have designed.  

My suggestions for a safe university are the following:

1. The creation of a new university office that will deal with campus violence

2. Structure of this office will include Committees, 

3. Counsellors on sexual harassment and bullying,

4. Complaint proceedings

5. Policies and good practices

6. Action plans for prevention

7. Educating students on issues related to violence

8. Further research on campus violence

9. 24hrs Helpline to support victims

10. Social media/ webpage of the office

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