Thank you for celebrating International Women's Day with us!

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World Pulse

Joined Aug 1, 2007

Graphic displays a purple background with text reading "Thank you for celebrating International Women's Day". There is a picture of three World Pulse members hugging and a World Pulse logo.

From India to Kenya, World Pulse sisters shared about encouragement, digital safe spaces, and the power of collective action.

Thank you for participating in World Pulse’s 2024 International Women’s campaign! Over the past month, we have heard from more than 100 people across 20+ countries, and one thing is clear: World Pulse is a community of powerhouse leaders who support each other and are powering change.

You shared about sisterhood and encouragement.

“In a world of self-promotion and cut-throat competition, World Pulse women are rare as they cheer other women, encouraging them and being proud of their body of work,” wrote longtime member Urmila Chanam of India. She logged on to share about her 14-year journey with World Pulse.

Meanwhile, new member Faith Mwende of Kenya thanked her mentor Susan Khaso for introducing her to coding. “As I faced the crossroads of my academic pursuits and personal struggles, the dialogue with my mentor became a compass guidance, guiding me towards newfound determination,” Faith writes.

Others shared about digital safe spaces, the power of encouragement, and the role of global collaboration and communication in creating change. Stay tuned as we roll out Story Award winners in the coming weeks.

You told us about your innovative projects and solutions.

We also heard from more than 30 members who launched Initiatives, from ending child marriages to bolstering women’s leadership within climate change. Stay tuned for an announcement of the Featured Changemakers!

We gathered in real time to encourage each other.

On March 14, 45 members logged on for a special post-International Women’s Day event. World Pulse founder Jensine Larsen was joined by long-time members who have gone on to do extraordinary things with the encouragement and support of our global sisterhood: Sister Zeph of Pakistan, Eunice Owino of Kenya, Busayo Obisakin of Nigeria, Paulina Lawsin of the Philippines, and Stella Paul of India.

So what’s next?

Every day is International Women’s Day on World Pulse. Let’s keep it going! While the Global Sisterhood call for stories is officially closed, we’re still accepting submissions about what World Pulse has meant to you over the years. Share your story here for a chance to be included in our 20th-anniversary celebration later this year.

What was your favorite part of our International Women's Day campaign? Let us know in the comments.

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