
The Uconscious Self-Gaslighter: book translation to help you listen to your heart again

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Joined Feb 26, 2016

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Sometimes it seems as if we are lost in a busy world, where we run from place to place without a moment for ourselves. We are caught up in work, social obligations, and sometimes we just forget to look within ourselves, to that quiet, untouched piece of our heart.

I would like to take you on a journey.

A journey without a return ticket, without distractions, and without haste. A journey where you learn to slow down, reflect, and discover what is truly happening in the inner chambers of your heart.

A special journey where you learn to embrace yourself, with all your imperfections and beautiful quirks that make you who you are.

During our journey together, you will realize that there is a world of wisdom in the silence of your own thoughts.

You will understand that you are not alone, even when you are by yourself. You will also realize that it's not about perfection but about understanding.

Furthermore, you will be able to listen to your heart again, your intuition, and the whispers that are now drowned out by the chaos of your daily life. And above all, you will discover that the journey inward is a journey to a deeper understanding of who you truly are.

A journey where love, connection, and joy play a role again in a life where you finally realize: I am good enough.

After receiving many positive reviews for my ebook The Unaware/Unconscious Self-Gaslighter, written in Dutch, I would like to share it with members of WorldPulse and beyond. I believe it will help you gain new perspectives, hope, and will offer you a different way of going forward while staying true to yourself.

Will you come along?

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