
Health Hazards of African girls/women using dirty rags for Menstrual flow.

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Joined Mar 10, 2024

Agwammawomen is very passionate about the welfare, survival, health of African girls/women hence this initiative.

The economic crisis in most countries tend to make good living stressful for girls/women especially teenagers who aren't earning a living because most of them are still in schools.

On the part of singlemoms, most of them are unemployed and have no skills which is why we decided to focus on empowering them in the areas of technology skills and agribusiness.

So while our organization is putting logistics on ground to fully implement our economic development project areas, these teenagers and Singlemoms are having their monthly cycle regularly.

This sensitive area of our community outreach can be achieved faster than our other rural projects if we get donors of sanitary towels, toiletries, antiseptic wipes. These items are also easier to ship to Malawi because they aren't too bulky/heavy.

We decided to take up on this because, mensuration is nature taking its cause, health related so, must be tackled before our other projects.

Imagine going to high schools, churches or mosques to Educate girls and women about our other projects which are beneficial to them as well but couldn't see these girls/women in schools, churches, mosques.

Why? Those of them who have heavy flows and haven't got sanitary towels always miss schools, church/mosque prayers so they don't get blood stains on chairs. We all know how embarrassing this could be.

Imagine a high school girl getting up from her class where you also have boys and everyone is laughing at her due to blood stains.

So she prefer not to go to school because she can't afford sanitary towels to change her flow regularly.

We interviewed some of them on what they use if they decide to go to school. They said- sewed plastic cloth, and other dirty materials that shouldn't even touch their body.

Again, it's also vital to mention that there are no curriculum on menstrual hygiene so most of these teensgers get urinary infections without knowing what's happening to them. This is a health hazard! This can also disrupt their reproductive health.

So this initiative isn't just about giving them sanitarytowels, we will organize local small groups meeting where we teach them personal menstrual hygiene.

Of course, if we are teaching girls/women personal hygiene, we must have some toiletries and antiseptics wipes to show them the health benefits of using such products. Again if they can't afford sanitary towels....toiletries, disinfectants will also be out of their affordability hence our request for such donations too.

Support us to save lives with the little you have. Together we all can impact lives and keep these girls/women happy, healthy, resourceful.

We appreciate your time!!

▪Our social media sites details will be given to those who want to connect with us on social media.▪

World Pulse Changemakers Lab
Menstrual Health
Global Sisterhood
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