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Joined Sep 4, 2023

Young girls in sports

Photo Credit: #mountainmovers women soccer club-Kawangware -Nairobi

Dear young players,

Sports in the world has received so much reception in our daily lives. Especially football is the most considered sport as a unifying factor hence helping in peace making and enhancing socialization among ourselves. Young players you can the sport to build yourself or destroy yourself too, How? Yes the activity will create a platform to meet various qualified players, Mentors and even sponsors which is a great opportunity because due to a conducive environment you can share and exchange so much within the group. But, when all this aspects are present take caution don't just be on receiving end be a contributor too so that no one will take advantage of you. Be willing to learn , be disciplined, be determined, respect yourself and others to on an equal measure and follow your passion to the end never risk your talent or skills to material things. Keep #GOD in all you do. And watch as you thrive in the world of football. #women football unstoppable.

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