#16daysofactivism: addressing GBV by UN to the world at large.

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Honorine Ngenwi


Jun 9

Joined Jul 14, 2020

Aggressive Volcano : presentation of pictures revealing how tension and stress builds up and eventually impacts on health.

Stress: Is a single factor in a person's life causing tension internally or externally.

Multiple stress: Several things that are causing tension all at once i.e. rape, sexual harassment, no education, parents died, poor health, racist etc.

Overload: Enough cumulative stress to cause a person to behave irrationally and do unhealthy things to cope with the stress such as using drugs, fight with others.

Aggressive Peak: The point when all the stressors have built up to explosion point.

Human rights play's a great role to make sure these acts are non existing in the communities saying it is pivotal for adolescents to know their human rights. In most cases, they are unaware that these rights exists which I agree 100% with that. Because of intensive discrimination routinely practiced against women and girls the United nations passed two very important agreement with articulate women's and girls human rights. The agreements are called the CONVENTION ON ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN, and the UN CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD.

The first convention sets standards for treating women and girls as equal to men and boys in areas of life, the latter convention protects children's rights by setting standards in health care, education and legal, civil and social services.

Some of the discrimination girls faces are specific government or educational policies that separate the kinds of education boys and girls can receive social and cultural beliefs and pressure that certain activities should be done by girls and others by boys etc.

16 Days
Digital Skills
Human Trafficking
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