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Jul 16

Joined Feb 1, 2024

My story isn't of success, but it isn't of failure either. I lost my government scholarship due to my low grades, but the school gave me another chance due to my condition. Being diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder was a major turn in my life. It answered the how's and whys I had for all my life. But it came a little late, just after I had lost my scholarship. It affected my studies and there was no going back from that. Even though I lost out in the scholarship, I never gave up hope, in myself And my situation. Instead I had more drive than ever to find a way to get back to school and finish my studies with my condition to prove to myself that I'm not a failure, and that I am stronger than I know. I believe in myself now more than ever, even if I'm met with closed doors as I continuously strive to find myself a scholarship or grant to continue my studies. That's the big goal for me. Establishing a career for myself, being independent, and ensuring that my family and those around me do not struggle when I'm there.

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