A bravery of me to take a risk

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Jul 17

Joined Oct 30, 2023

In early November 2012, the end of my semester, I was practicing my teaching as internship teacher as university student at secondary school 5 of May, one of the public secondary schools which based in Dili the capital of my country. meanwhile I was a journalist as well, so there were two things that I was going to do in that time.

I have six months of time had practiced my teaching in that school, what the first impression when I and my team came that my attention was about the schools’ conditions that was very woeful, few buildings   no roof top,  no window, no doors and no boundary even worse that school located on the river bank so when the rain season the river will ruin everything that school had like chairs, table other schools kids and the building itself, and more even worse, the Headmaster ignored it all , based on the information that I was getting from some of the teacher in that school.

A journalist I was daring myself to covering it then published on the media platform  then I had invited member of National parliament which name is Eladio Falculto, was going directly to see the school conditions and covering by our national television then Eladio Facullto was getting up at plenary season in the parliament, on the other hand, the minister of Education  know that case mad at the principal of that school and reprimanded him and the structure of the schools. At the end my Report of internship Teacher has not been signed by Headmaster of that schools because he was very angry at me. Even myself, was not really care about it because what I have done to protected 250 students in that schools.

Only, one month forwarded the Government were going realized their promised  fix the school’s condition, all the students and most of the teachers supported me at the moment we were pleased with that.

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