A Bridge Untold

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Princess Rose


Oct 1

Joined Jul 2, 2023

There is a Bridge, a mystical bridge.

The Bridge of the New and the Bridge of the Old. This Bridge was founded in the unforseen garden. The unforseen garden is a garden that many men and women know of but not any ordinary person can travel on. Legend and townfolk say that this Bridge appeared in the times of Dawn and disappeared at miday. However one could travel on this Bridge at midnight. A Lady once traveled this Bridge. After she traveled on this Bridge she was said to have gone missing and never to be found again.

However this lady arrived a week later and told the people in her village how she met an angel when she got missing on the bridge.

She also spoke about the unforseen things people did not see with their eyes while they were in that village. This garden existed within their village. And the Bridge was a gateway to the New. The Twist was that it was also a gateway to the Old. But she was determined to walk into the New with the people in the Village.

Her words exactly, 'I saw giants, huge and tall', so tall to past the trees'. I also came across fairies, these were guardians of the atmosphere that were dispersed in and out of our village. The last thing i saw was an elf. This elf had wisdom. Great wisdom i was quizzed before the angel came to my rescue. ✨✨


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