A glimpse of my life..!!!

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Aman chughtai


May 1

Joined Nov 14, 2023

My sons and mine photo from a visit of zoo

Photo Credit: Photo captured by my husband's mobile

I was born a three decades back, a born artist and elder sister of five siblings. Took so many responsibilities in my childhood, i was a parent, a sister, a mentor, a bodyguard, a teacher, a cook, a house keeper for my brothers and sisters, because my parents were so busy in their lives. I actually forgot what i really wanted to do or really wanted to become. I was way far from those girls who were living in limelights,that is why i am old fashioned or mau be a boring person. I got married at peak of my career where i had to decide between wife and entrepreneur. I chose to marry and one year later i was diagnosed with pcos, it was hardest time for my marriage as i couldn't convinced my husband that pcos is not a illness, it is irregularity bla bla bla bla then after trying hard to conceive for many years i finally got my Son (naughtiest toddler). He is going to be three years old now.

I got a degree in communications and media and my MS was in diplomatic studies. Did so many jobs and internships.

Taught in well reputed schools later i realised i am an artist why not to start a small business so i started creating doodles and intricate design and pattens and minimal art pieces under the name of 'aman arte'.

I am a bookohlic person i do read alot. You will find me in washroom with my book.

I am writer by profession and artist by passion. I do write poetries, research articles, blogs, narrations.

Finally took a decision to write my very first own book. Wish me good luck!!

First Story
Moments of Hope
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