A kind looser

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Apr 14

Joined Jan 30, 2024

It was 2019 when I attempted my first medical entrance test. Bit nervous but rushing to the centre with my father. A day after result was announced. I didn't have internet at that time so I asked from my friend to keep updated me. When I got know , I became happy that I passed the exam as much of my friend circle didn't even pass but on the other hand I noticed that I have much less marks then required.

I skipped a year, prepared my self to the best. Struggling with inner, hopeless nights but still summing up courage that I will do it , I can do it

A day was here when I had taken my 2nd medical entrance test. It was just amazing . I was fully satisfied that I did it.

But but but the luck was not on my side . I got too good marks but that covid ruined me. Student of 2020 got 95% + marks in board wxams as board acedamic were also count in entrance aggregate. My aggregate was 85.6 but the last merit was 86.4

Ahh!! I felt looser


Facing everyone in family was aching me. It was my dream to become a doctor. Even i did it whole heartily but Allah has planned something else something better.I become hopeless, crying all the time, didn't want to college, upset with myself and people around me.But then time heals everything.

It took me a year or two to back towards normal life. But now I am satisfied what Allah has planned for me. I trusg in Allah he removes all my pain slowly , gradually but surely.

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