A Parent’s toxicity

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Jul 9

Joined Feb 3, 2023

Jude a promising young soul is spending most of his life fighting depression, trauma, and suicidal thoughts all because he chose a different path from the one his father wanted him to follow.” All I ever wanted was support to be me, to nurture my dream,” he stated.

His father a selfish entitled man has turned to his worst nightmare, insulting him at every opportunity he gets, and looking down on him to the extent of Jude questioning his bond with the man. It is wild how a parent would want a child to live his failed dreams that hatred becomes his new norm, nothing Jude does please him, in his opinion, he is a failure, an outcast who disobeyed his father’s wish.

Parents, why would you sire a child just to frustrate the life out of him/her? At just 22 the only thing making him hang in there is his mother who hopes that one day he will succeed and the father will see the determined soul in him, then a victor and not the failure he thought of him to be.

A passionate filmmaker whose dreams almost hit the rocks even before they started. With little or no concentration he gives his talent the best hoping his father will see his efforts someday and applaud him. “I keep yearning for that day he will call me son and applaud me.”

Glad he didn’t choose drugs to drive away his sorrow but massive work has done him worse his relations with people changed, and nobody cares about his story, they take him for a busy guy who hardly has time for his friends or lover. How would he spell out his fears without feeling like a weakling and the failure his father sees in him?

A fragile soul yearning for love hoping the universe would be softer with him yet it keeps on proving that there is no favoritism on how life deals with you and he keeps on breaking just when he thought he was getting better. Who will save him, who will love him, who will stay with him, who will reassure him, and who will fight with him and for him, is what worries him the most.

Sadly, a parent would be so bitter with their child that they don’t see nor feel when they are at the edge, broken and damaged. Parents are meant to guide their children through their decisions and not entirely make the decisions for them because what works for the parent might be a time bomb machine for the child. Allow your children to follow their paths don’t be so entitled that you become so toxic for them.

Times are changing and all thanks to technology because at a tender age, children can figure out their strengths, talents, and passion hence in a position to choose their career paths. As long as it is legal allow them to be, let them explore their strengths to the fullest let them fulfill themselves. Don’t dictate their lives entirely because, by the end of the day, they will be the ones to bear the consequences.

Mental health, trauma, and suicide of frustrated teenagers and youths are real and on the rise. Don’t be so hard on your children that you forget they have their purpose in life. They have so much life ahead of them to fall, dust off, and try again, they are the future the world is looking forward to so don’t dim tomorrow’s light just because life frustrated you at some point in life.

Your children are your responsibilities and not a vessel for fulfilling your failed dreams. You failed I am sorry but that child deserves to fulfill their dreams and not pick up from where you failed. Not every child is as strong as Jude I mean following his path regardless so don’t push your children so hard that you don’t realize when they fall off the cliff.

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