A RURAL GIRL'S DREAM-Transform the World!!!

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Emily Anyango


Joined May 27, 2010

Dear Pulse Wire,
I am bouncing here and born today to a rural mother in a rural village:::Neighbors are streaming in to see the baby,'Ahe;aha;a girl again,'where is she going to take these group of girls to?No body is congratulating the tired Mama.,after 3 days she lives her baby in her small hut to go and help with the house work at her mother in law's house,as always with a new born baby ,they always have sound sleep for long and with the mother who have just had a new born Baby she keeps on checking if she is awake.Mama goes to check on me sleeping;what does she see?she sees a group of snakes of different colors some crawling some resting comfortably on her baby's body.She screams and people come to her rescue,they are in a help-less state,snakes can not be fought on the baby,then what do they do?the baby is enjoying the sleep but the mother is crying to her last strength!!Here comes an old man who asks on what is going on,he see the strange animals ,and asks people to put down their weapons and stop screaming.He explains the strange ordeal and says that these snakes are not to be killed,these are the Baby's great grand parents who have come to see her and give their moral support,to everybody's amazement the snakes are no more seen and they do not know where they followed to get out.This remains the story of my village until to day.The little girl grows in a village where girls are seen to be taboos in the Community' her grand mother gives no attention to her and her siblings,Grand Maa advises my Baba to marry another woman who would give his boys.Baba does not listen to Grand Maa's advise and give to his daughters the best life and Education.My mother later give birth to 4 boys and 9 girls.We are taken to Rapogi girls Boarding School[a Mission School under the Dutch Mission],we prove to our village that we are not only girls but are leaders!!!starting from school Monitor and Prefects,School Captains and head of students Associations.We pass our exams and go to next levels successfully and Graduates as a Community Nurse.Marriage to a Womanizer befalls me and I prove to him that I am not the Woman he thinks I am,I let him know that I am only a Woman physically but spiritually I am Super!!!!he leaves for other women leaving me with 5 children,;I have made him know that a Woman stands by her inner most being,-The strength of a Woman keeps me going and keeps any dedicated woman moving on.I have taken all the five to high standard schools and to the University.The 2 young boys have done well and are joining University this year.Today he is no where but looking back finds me moving on with life,what do I do with him? buy him a bottle of soda when we meet.What does a Baby girl who has grown up in such a Condition do when she succeeds in life?Give back!!!,it is what you leave not what you take to your rest when your time comes between you and God!!!!Today I am taking care of 82 orphans and Widows who are over 65 years and have no one to turn to,I have given my home to these children and want to see them grow as children.I have registered a School within the home and they are getting Education,I am pleading to all my friends here at Pulse Wire to Donate to them so that they also become Leaders and bring changes in this Community,I know that they will will give back one day.This is a Girl Born in the Rural village talking here,Ket Wangi Orphanage is today hosting visitors Internationally.This the Emily Anyango-who's story is above::'Let us Educate Girls to change the World!!!Meet me at -http//ketwangiwordpress.com..
As my custom'',I lift high the name of the most high God and adore him for our Lord Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit.;May the Peace and the love and the Fellowship of the Holy Ghost be with you,Amen!!!!!!

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