An inner turmoil

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Rajvi Doshi


Dec 20

Joined Mar 30, 2023

Hi everyone! This is my first story on this platform.

I am currently in a phase of self doubt which is making me question my capabilities and luck.

In early 2023, I left my job to prepare for MBA college entrance examinations. I worked very hard and managed to score a fantastic percentile and also received calls from some top B-schools of the country. The next round of admissions include a group activity and personal interview and I fear not being able to get through this round which in turn would lead to my dreams being shattered.

I always wonder that out of lakhs of candidates, what will make them choose "ME"? This self doubt just doesn't go.

But I will still remain hopeful and just hope for the best. If it's meant for me, it will come to me!

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