Asha Jaquilla Degree

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Princess Rose


Oct 1

Joined Jul 2, 2023

Justice  Missing  Unsolved  Re-Open


Febrauary 14, 2000



A nine-year old leaves her house willingly on Valentines day at exactly 4:00am. Who or What could have possibly prompted her to leave home at that hour in a heavy storm. When she left home she took a book from her school's library written by Dr.Seus MC ELLigots Pool and a shirt which had written on it New Kids on the Block Concert Tonight Main Arena.

Seen by drivers walking along Carolina Highway 18 in Cleveland County.She went missing More than a Year later. 18 months after. August 3 2001. Asha's studybag was discovered buried along North Carolina Highway 18 in Burke County by a contractor clearing a service road for some new construction.

These clues found by Cleveland County and the Special FBI that have joined to help solve this case. The search for Asha Jaquilla Degree still continues...☑️

Why did she leave home at that hour?

Was she abducted?

If someone knows something why are they not speaking up?


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