'Bad Days'

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Dec 9

Joined Mar 1, 2023

THE WORD LIFE( ZINDAGI) at times sound scary

Life is such a bonus where you experience everything... On some days you're happy but the next day you can be sad, you know why this all happens because nature wants us to be STRONG 

Days back I was feeling down, because of some past flashbacks and unfulfilled wishes that I wanted direly. After those sad and bad days, I realized why all sorts of events happened? why did I repent of wishes that I used to pray to Allah?

I just got one answer... Everything is planned for you, even what you're praying for will destined to be yours just have some patience, Trust me when soaking these thoughts in my mind that ALLAH IS ALL HEARING, ALL LISTENING I used to spend my days happily

Hope this is soothing for all of u as well






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