
Be a good Manager as far as your business is concern.

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Jun 13

Joined Apr 9, 2023

As humans we have the obligation to get involve in activities that generate income and make our lives fulfilled. 

 one of the ways we can generate such income is by getting involved in business nomatter how small it may be. Getting into business doesn't require any certificates although it's good to get continues knowledge to enhance knowledge in the field. But the problem most of us have is that, we use our small income/ gain / benefits to satisfy our needs. 

If you belong to this class of persons who use all thier little income to satisfy thier present need without any worry, remember one thing... there is no Day our needs will ce to an end .. everyday new problems arises therefore we must always learn to put our needs on a scale of preference.... "

Secondly, we should learn to work toward something because if we are working towards nothing, nothing will be better for us and stagnation will continue same as poverty.

So what are you as a person doing to see that that small business improves day in day out.... Or will u keep using the small benefits/profit to bthings just to impress others?

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