Breaking Barriers

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Nov 9

Joined Jun 20, 2023

"Breaking barriers is not about proving yourself to others. It is about challenging yourself to grow beyond your limits."

I have always been passionate about social justice and human rights. As a young researcher, I wanted to use my skills and knowledge to make a positive impact in the world. I decided to focus on three issues that were close to my heart: women rights and women empowerment, disability rights and mental health.

I joined a research team that was working on a project called Breaking Barriers, which aimed to explore the challenges and opportunities faced by women, people with disabilities, and people with mental health issues in different contexts and sectors. The project involved conducting surveys, interviews, focus groups, and case studies with various stakeholders, such as individuals, organizations, policymakers, and experts. The project also involved developing recommendations and strategies to promote inclusion and empowerment for these groups.

The project was not easy, but it was rewarding. I learned a lot from the stories and experiences of the people we interviewed. I was inspired by their resilience and courage. I was also challenged by the barriers and discrimination they faced. I realized that inclusion was not only a matter of providing access and opportunities, but also a matter of changing attitudes and behaviors. I realized that advocacy was not only a matter of raising awareness and influencing policies, but also a matter of empowering people and building alliances.

The project was also transformative, because it changed me as a person and as a researcher. I became more aware of my own privileges and biases. I became more empathetic and respectful of different perspectives and identities. I became more creative and collaborative in finding solutions and creating change. I became more confident and passionate in expressing my views and values.

I am proud to be part of this project, and I hope to continue to practice inclusion and advocacy as a researcher in the future. I think that breaking barriers is not only a goal, but also a process. Breaking barriers is not only about overcoming obstacles, but also about creating opportunities. Breaking barriers is not only about fighting for rights, but also about celebrating diversity.

Training - Engaging in Ethical Research & Evaluation
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