Buteeza outreach, 12th. April. 2024, Donate Sanitary pads.

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Woguti Sandra Caroline


Apr 12

Joined Feb 22, 2024

Photo Credit: Me

Teenage Girls of Rise and Shine Nursery and primary school recieved sann

As we come closer to our Buteeza outreach where we are coming through for the vulnerable Girls in Buteeza subcounty I kindly request you to donate a pack of resuseable sanitary pads which costs as low as $8 and aid these girls to stay in school during their menses and reduce on the high levels of Teenage pregnancies. Recently we did a survey most girls of this region use steamed banana leaves during there menses which is not hygienic and not safe.

Kindly for any donations email us on elgonebenezeryoungmothersorg@gmail.com or contact us on+256753502116 Thankyou

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