
Ceasefire for the people of Palestine

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Oct 7

Joined Oct 23, 2023

Palestine (A graveyard)

In the heart wrenching landscape of Palestine women bear the burden of burying their loved ones amidst the violence and conflict. Their stories are filled with sorrow and unwavering resilience echoing the loss of innocent lives. Among them are those who have had to lay to rest infants who never had a chance to experience lifes brightness.

Families are torn apart erased from existence amidst turmoil leaving women to grapple with their grief and search, for strength to carry on. The world watches,. The question persists; when will this cycle of violence come to an end? Are we as a community so powerless that we cannot extend a helping hand to those who have nothing but stones for self defense?

This distressing narrative resonates with the tale of Lady Zainab from Karbala—a symbol of fortitude and resilience in the face of tragedy. Like the women in Palestine she too lost everything in the desolation of Karbala. Her loved ones were forced out from their homes. Ruthlessly slaughtered piece by piece under merciless desert skies.

The anguish felt by women and Lady Zainabs enduring legacy serve as reminders of humanitys spirit and our urgent need, for global empathy and intervention.

We cannot simply stand by silently. Watch their suffering. It is crucial that we take action to break the cycle of violence and provide support to those who have shown bravery and resilience in the face of loss.

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