Cervical Cancer Awareness

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Nkanghe Sonita Gohla


May 14

Joined May 26, 2023

Health education in a family meeting gathering.

My involvement in a cancer prevention in Cameroon has exposed me to many more happenings that I'm still in awe. January has the right to be dedicated for cervical cancer awareness month.

Indeed many are dying due to lack of knowledge and it is indisputable. The burden of Cervical Cancer is at a rise given that many are still ignorant of this disease both in urban and rural community.

The Women's Health Program of the Cameroon Baptist Convention has gone this far to ensure the 90-70-90 WHO strategy to eliminate cervical cancer. My two years experience in this institution has given me an unquenchable burning desire to join the fight massively.

Massive sensitization on cervical cancer and breast cancer prevention, screening and detention of the early stage of these diseases. We are reaching out to schools, meeting sites, churches, and many other gatherings that can help us alert the population on cervical cancer prevention. We are not limited to information only, we carry on with HPV vaccination, cervical cancer and breast cancer screening and treatment of precancerous lesion/referral of cancer cases.

Many are yet to get the importance and information about cervical cancer and take action in the elimination of cancer.

Together we can end cervical cancer.

Get informed

Get vaccinated

Get screened.

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