climate change in Mwenga territory in Itombwe forest

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Masoso Antoinette

Congo (Democratic Republic of the)

Joined Dec 9, 2013

Mission work was conducted as part of the awareness on environmental protection among groups of women in forest Itombwe given the key role played by women in protecting the environment. i have got chance to be trained by WECAN:Women Earth Climate Action Network , here in SAFECO in mamashujaa media center then after that training Wecan support us to go to visit Itombwe forest in june this year so we want there here your our work during that week
me as programme manager of MISERICORDE association In Minembwe even my association we work in environment we planet trees there in Minembwe then we train our peoples to protecte nature for avoiding Climate change so as my field i study Geography in Secondary school i'm very happy to be connected with WECAN and to participant in the training it's improve my knowledge then i know it's will be helpful to my organization for because i will share with them what i have learned during those training and i hope it's will help our vision , as your Climate change is big problem in our World we have to put our efforts , because environment is very important in our Life , resperation giv us Oxygene,forest it's raining ; many trees are medical of deases and so on etc....... without environment nothing can going well, so read here about Itombwe Forest

  1. Context of the mission

After our online training on the theme: Fighting against climate change, a raid on land Mwenga was performed. The mission was to educate women about their vital role in protecting the environment.

Mwenga is located in ..140.. Km from the city of Bukavu, is a territory. in the village were near the forest as Itombwe Kaska Kitamba etc.. for awareness of pygmy peoples who because they are living in the forest. many participants are the majority are women because women are the ones who suffer greatly for seeking firewood,

  1. Course Lot

Avon We made ​​three days of field work date of June 24, 25, 26, we do the program as follows: 24 Let the information we discussed the importance of Itombwe forest populations that have close forest with the importance of the forest in general.

first day, we trained on the importance of Itombwe forest peoples is around this forest as pygmy population, then ask some questions involved in the training, then they tell more information about forest d Itombwe like trees in which the peoples find they like medical: lukundi, Mukungu Kumba nyekwende, Akota, abokokya the cheche, Masuku, you are here on the importance of those tree so far:

we debate on forest Itombwe and this is important, so people give their different ideas by saying that many trees very important, giving different fruits that contained vitamin as the tree called mbilombilo people s eating fruit

are many medical deseases like:

Masuku; is for medical woman who is pregnant you know for women preganant reach many Desases so it's medical people and other people used to eat when they are in the forest when they are hungry those of impotance forest Itombwe:

  • Second day we visit the forest and go check if this is the reality that kind of trees exist, you will see the video and photos here you are some pictures:
    i will send those pictures soon

third day, we formed with participants asked some questions about all courses and discusses and they give us some recommendations by the following: Recommendations

-The first responsibility of the Congolese State which is the primary beneficiary and has ratified several international features for Nature, for the development of this beautiful country in the Heart of Africa, outraged the conscience of the local authorities and the civilian population to respect the forest as our ancestors we do.

-Service environmental and nature conservation in collaboration with local leaders, the national police, the FARDC and other security services including population are supposed to protect the forest to the service recalcitrans sanction, and corruptible authorities

-That the Congolese government and its powerful reform the environmental sector partners; so that agents parquet care and the environment are reformed.

  • Raising Aboriginal peoples as had done in the other place where there is the forest.

  • The service applies see increasing efforts to protect our forest.

-Make a lot of awareness seminar on Importance of the radio, television information.

Do much of the seminar operator to talk to them about

-The first responsibility of the Congolese State which is the primary beneficiary and has ratified several international features for Nature, for the development of this beautiful country in the Heart of Africa, outraged the conscience of the local authorities and the civilian population to respect the forest as our ancestors we do.

  • A message to the peoples indigenous if we respect our fathers were our traditional forest area.

-Service environmental and nature conservation in collaboration with local leaders, the national police, the FARDC and other security services including population are supposed to protect the forest to the service recalcitrans sanction, and authorities corruptible-

-We want our soldiers to put their efforts in protecting our environment for our Itombwe forest is rich in many things from day to day daily life, for example by giving us for many medical illness and add in the bloods body of people as they eat the types of trees, using measures to prevent so these people who came from outside to cut trees in the forest Itombwe because trees of this forest are rich in many things

  • We ask our partner to stress awareness Pygmy peoples it helps us to keep our forest as well are the ones who are close to the forest Itombwe

Us participating in training on the protection of environment introduced by SAFECO that support WECAN we started here in Mwenga 24untill on June 26, 2014
-we proud to give thanks for this training for our women on how to protect environment
we trained on the different concepts of conservation, even as we teach other people about this training, the speech of all participants in the training WECAN Mwenga throught SAFECO.

I agree that the above information is true because I was then ground our environment was destroyed by people from outside who want to explore our trees because are very rich in many things, but if our government can stop then protect nature, as are high for our next generation and it will prevent climate change so I hope people really understand how indeginous Itombwe forest is the largest

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