Day 10: The Uphill Battle for Support Systems in Combating Gender-Based Violence

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Harriet Afandi


Nov 17

Joined Dec 12, 2022

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Most of the unreported cases of SGBV are caused by high profile perpetrators who threaten the victims. According to UNWomen, Only 1/10 cases of SGBV is reported.

As we mark Day 10 of the #16DaysofActivismAgainstGBV, it's crucial to shed light on the critical role of support systems for survivors of gender-based violence (GBV). While resources exist and legal frameworks have been established, the reality often falls short of providing the necessary aid and support for those affected.

Support systems should ideally be a lifeline for survivors, offering them refuge, guidance, and avenues for justice. However, the implementation of legal frameworks and the functioning of support structures have shown distressing shortcomings. These systems, put in place to handle GBV cases, frequently exhibit reluctance or failure in supporting survivors effectively.

Legal frameworks, while designed to protect and assist survivors, often face challenges in their implementation. From law enforcement to judicial proceedings, survivors encounter barriers at multiple stages. Police handling of GBV cases can be marred by biases, victim-blaming attitudes, and insufficient training, which deter survivors from seeking help. Additionally, legal processes can be slow, complex, and retraumatizing for survivors, leading to a lack of confidence in seeking justice.

Support services intended to aid survivors also encounter limitations. Shelters may be underfunded or insufficient in number, leaving many without a safe place to turn to. Counseling and mental health support, crucial for survivors' healing, may not be readily accessible or culturally sensitive. Moreover, societal stigma and lack of awareness often hinder survivors from seeking help, exacerbating their isolation and trauma.

The failure of these support systems isn't solely due to individual negligence but is deeply rooted in systemic issues—pervasive gender biases, lack of adequate funding, and insufficient training for professionals handling GBV cases. The result is a collective failure to provide comprehensive support to survivors, perpetuating the cycle of violence and inhibiting progress towards change.

To truly address this issue, there's an urgent need for systemic reforms and increased accountability. Law enforcement and legal bodies must undergo extensive training to handle GBV cases sensitively and effectively. Adequate funding and resources should be allocated to support services, ensuring survivors have access to safe shelters, counseling, and legal aid. It's imperative to create an environment where survivors feel empowered to seek help without fear of judgment or retribution.

As we advocate for change during these #16DaysofActivismAgainstGBV, let's recognize the critical importance of revamping support systems. Only by addressing the systemic flaws and enhancing these structures can we truly offer the support and justice that survivors of gender-based violence deserve. It's time for tangible action and solidarity to ensure these systems uphold their promise of support and prote

ction for all.

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