Day 6, #16Days Establishment of GBV courts in our counties

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Harriet Afandi


Nov 17

Joined Dec 12, 2022

Gender-Based Violence (GBV) courts play a crucial role in societies worldwide due to several key reasons:

Specialized Support: GBV courts are tailored to handle cases related to gender-based violence, ensuring victims receive specialized support, sensitivity, and understanding from legal professionals, judges, and support staff. This setup helps create an environment where survivors feel safer and more empowered to seek justice.

Streamlined Processes: These courts often streamline legal procedures for GBV cases, expediting trials and providing swift justice. This can include dedicated prosecution teams, trained judges, and support services to ensure timely and effective resolution of cases. Such efficiency helps in addressing the backlog of cases and delivers justice more promptly.

Prevention and Deterrence: The existence of specialized GBV courts can act as a deterrent against future acts of violence. By holding perpetrators accountable through effective and focused legal measures, these courts contribute to raising awareness and deterring potential offenders from committing such crimes.

Let's Support Kerry, a Nguvu Change Leader too, just your like on this post

Team, Kerry Has been nominated for Youth GBV advicacy award. He just needs your like on the Instagram post and there he'll grab the 🏅🥇 kindly support our like-minded person whose efforts to demand the government to establish a GBV court are making huge steps and headlines in our newspapers . Thank you.

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