Day 7 #16Days: What about Cyber bullying???

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Harriet Afandi


Nov 17

Joined Dec 12, 2022

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Cyber bullying can cause extreme mental health issues leading to anxiety disorders, suicidal thoughts, insomnia, migraines e.t.c

Day 7

During #16DaysofActivism, it's crucial to acknowledge that online abuse and cyberbullying impact individuals across genders and age groups. Both men and women, as well as children, face the distressing consequences of this pervasive issue.

For women, online abuse often takes the form of #misogynistic attacks, harassment, and threats that aim to intimidate and silence them. This behavior can deter women from participating in online spaces, limit their freedom of expression, and, in extreme cases, escalate into real-world violence.

Men also experience #onlineabuse, although the nature of attacks might differ. They can face #cyberbullying , shaming, or targeted harassment, affecting their mental health and well-being. These attacks might challenge traditional notions of masculinity or be related to personal characteristics, leading to emotional distress.

#Children and #adolescents, regardless of gender, are particularly vulnerable to cyberbullying. Online platforms can become breeding grounds for harassment, bullying, and intimidation among peers. The impact on their mental health can be severe, leading to anxiety, depression, and in extreme cases, self-harm or suicidal tendencies.

To address this during #16DaysofActivism, fostering digital literacy and online safety education is crucial. Empowering individuals with the tools to recognize, prevent, and respond to online abuse is essential for their protection.

Creating safe online environments through stringent policies and effective moderation helps in mitigating instances of cyberbullying. Additionally, supporting victims by providing accessible mental health resources and avenues for reporting and addressing online abuse is imperative in creating a safer and more inclusive online space for everyone.

#cyberattack #cyberdefense #cyberbullying #gbv

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