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Bola Tito


Dec 1

Joined Sep 5, 2023

Photo Credit: Bola Soyoye

They deserve better, you know.

Observing individuals in positions of authority, be it within government, private entities, or as bosses, exerting dominance over their subordinates is undeniably disheartening. While I acknowledge the potential fallibility in my perspective, my intrinsic nature and upbringing leave me with an absolute aversion to such behavior.

Esteemed Leaders, it is evident that the divine hand has placed you in your current roles within the organization or department for reasons known best to Him. However, it is imperative to emphasize that subjecting others to bullying is unequivocally not one of those reasons.

It is profoundly distressing to witness the daily trials endured by individuals, solely motivated by the fear of not being able to provide for themselves and their families.

To the Bullied Subordinates, I want to express my heartfelt empathy. Having walked in your shoes, I intimately understand the depths of degradation, sorrow, and shattered spirit that accompany each instance of such mistreatment. Please know that you are not alone, and I am truly sorry for what you are enduring.

Dear Leaders and Bosses, it is essential to recognize that your subordinates are entitled to respect. I implore you to honor this entitlement. They possess the right to express their opinions; never suppress their voices. While you may request their respect, understand that it must be earned through fair and impartial leadership. If your guidance is just and unbiased, respect will naturally follow, without the need for coercion.

Additionally, please bear in mind that exemplary leadership is predicated on setting a positive example. Bullying has no place in your interactions with those under your charge. They deserve better treatment. Conduct yourself with the ever-present awareness of a higher moral authority.

To the Bullied, remember this: you possess a voice, a potent instrument among your many strengths. You are capable of far more than enduring such treatment. Let your voice resound, for you were created with purpose, and the world deserves to hear it.

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