Dedication to Protect Our Lungs of the Earth

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Aidalyn Arabe

Jun 11

Joined Nov 2, 2023

With arms outstretched showing respect and love for nature at Lake Yagumyum inside Mount Talinis Range

Our mountains are considered to be the "lungs of the earth." It holds our precious forests and watersheds providing us clean air and water. If we don't preserve and protect our mountains, rivers will dry up and our wildlife will disappear causing great imbalance of our ecosystem.

Sharing here a poem I wrote last 2018 at the height of our fight to Save Mount Talinis Range from further exploitation to geothermal exploration and expansion, against a giant energy company in our country - Energy Development Corporation. It was a movement that successfully stopped the second expansion for another geothermal power plant where huge forests area will be cleared.

The movement also dealth with the issues on the impacts of irresponsible hikers and mountain climbers, illegal logging, slash and burn of local farmers, and wildlife abuse.

I experienced and suffered persecution and paranoia during the height of the campaign affecting our personal lives. But it didn't stop anyone of us and we still continue to be the watchdog. Save Mount Talinis Movement will live on.

As a mountain climber and trailrunner, the advocacy is personal and was also focused on giving and extending free Basic Mountaineering Courses and orientation on outdoor ethics basically echoing the Leave No Trace Principles to outdoor lovers and hikers.

Aside from education and awareness, I was also finding a way on the best possible alternative solution where people can divert to instead of exploiting our mountain resources. That's when I found bamboo.

Mount Talinis Range, the range of mountains just behind my home city is my playground that is home and giving us life. It represents all the mountains in the world that needs protection and conservation. Thus, the inspiration to write this poem;

"M O U T A R A"

As the horizon is struck with a hue of blue

I gleefully set up to our rendezvous

Staunch and true to my purpose at hand

Another day to spend to my wonderland.

Sweet smell of the earth fills the air

Gentle melodies of life brimming everywhere

Towering lifegivers dancing by the wind

Each moment an epic piece with no end.

Every single step leaves a mark to recover

A delicate path stray we must never

Leave lives away from fraught touch

Respect the serenity like it's a must.

Bounty of creation drape in magnificenceP

Pristine waters cascading with eminence

Canopies beautifully stretched in heavens

While creatures frolick in the gardens.

Your beauty promises subsistence

But comes a threat to your existence

Your body now altered by naive souls

Leaving marks without protocols.

My heart bleeds on what lies ahead

As you continue to suffer with dread

Powerless and voiceless that you are

Someday comes your wrath not afar.

Here's a soul entangled by your fragility

Becoming the alter ego as responsibility

A shieldmaiden I must to behold you

Galant and resolute as I always do.

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