Dehumanizing of Women!

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Aug 12

Joined Sep 7, 2018

aNkAt your teen age or years, did you know already what you wanted to be? Will you be successful? Will you get married and start a family? Or will you want to remain single? What are your vision you’re your vision be for your motherland, how do you think society will treat you? A lot of times many of us are not cognizance of the above questions. We assume that nature will treat us fine, thinking our share will be waiting for us.

However, the bitter truth is things don’t work that way. You and me will all agree that the plans that we all have put in place for our own good didn’t turn out as we expected, many a times we adjusted severally to be where we are now and still adjusting. Today, many that wish to have kids are childless, others that didn’t resumes marriage, are with children. The poor who cannot eat a three square meal is wealthy in a pool of money and so on.

All these achievement are goals worked towards, some turn out of silver spoon babies- what do I mean by a silver spoon! An already born child into wealthy family is a silver spoon baby. They get everything at silver Plata. You that is not born with such inheritance, you start from scratch, you roam the street until it your turn. Same way we have the silver spoon babies behaving like a prodigal son from the bible, who took his share of his inheritances, travelled squander it and return home empty and back to the street.

What point am I driving at? I am talking about the fact that life is not stable, it’s unpredictable, its changes. In fact if you know you are standing, stand well else you fall. Today you are rich, tomorrow you will be poor, today you are healthy tomorrow you will be sick, today you are the most love person, tomorrow society frowns on you… you are call names, you are neglected, and abandoned to your faith. It so scary out there my dear!

How will it feel when the children, your husband and the society you were once there for call you a witch today? That definitely will be emotionally traumatizing, to carry your kids for nine months with all the headaches, the vomiting, the hospital check ups, not once but severally only for these nuts to grow up and join up society to labeled you a witch, an outcast from society. Send you far away from town and don’t even dare to come check up on you because you will destroy their destiny and future with your witchcraft. I mean if I was a witch indeed will I not kill and chew you when you are kids? Why will I wait for you to become humans then want to kill you?

Hello fellows, am not trying to scare you but this is a dehumanizing thing happening in Ghana , the country I am born into is now scary, one does not know how life will turn out to be. Am scare to the core, will I be part of those labeled as witches in the future? What does the future hold for me?

This witches saga started long time ago since I was a kid. I mean we hear the elderly talk about it, every week or month a woman is excommunicated from the family to a witches camp in another community. Today I think about it, and it surprise me. why are the victims only women? Especially beautiful women, rich women, confident women etc . This is a gender base violence, if am beautiful and refuse to give in to any man, then I am a witch, if I got access to my land and can farm as the men then I am labeled as a witch, when am confident and speak up my mind am a witch. This is not fair, this is pure discriminatory gender base violence and must be frown upon.

The sad part is lately things are getting worst that anyone who sleeps and dream about you chasing him/her comes to attack you physically to beat you up, and this person is openly supported by the society members. This is evil! I speak with a heavy heart. In 2019, a ninety year old elderly women was lynch to death to this effect. Even though the court took the case up, will the diseased family members get their love one back?


The good news was that I took this issue up to and petition our sitting President Nana Addo Dankwah Akuffo Addo and thankfully somewhere this year the parliament of Ghana passed a bill of anti witchcraft. I mean it must all be a coincidence, but the outcome was same anyway. The implementation of this bill will mean that it’s a crime to call and labeled anybody a witch neither talking about attacking them. If you are caught or found in such act, I mean you will curse the day you were born, the legal law will deal with you until no law existed.

I have attached all the links of my petition also that of the anti witchcraft bill passed by the parliament of Ghana.


What Next, after passage of anti witchcraft bill!

The government have done it part of passing this bill, however we NGOs must raise our voices to the implementation of it. How can we make this bill sink down to the society and it members that it now a crime to call someone a witch and related issues? Most of this perpetrator are not educated and do not understand the English part of the bill, we must break it down to their ears whether they like it or yes .

In that regards Access Hub Ghana a registered non-governmental and non profit is taking it upon itself to organize and create adverts, pod cast , radio awareness to create and sensitize the communities involved. Of course this will not be easy task but we must put our life in line to create this effect. Me as executive director of Access hub Ghana is the lead campaign leader and with me is God.

Another support we will need is funding and partners from like mind organization to come join us fight against this barbaric act invading our communities and its innocent victims. Please let’s make it all count .

Access hub Ghana is ready for any partnership for this course. Just send me an email with you are an individual or an organization with same goals. If you don’t have same goal but you are touch and want to help you are most welcome. Let get started!,as%20a%20witch%20in%20Ghana.&text=The%20approved%20amendment%20also%20prohibits,witch%20doctor%20or%20witch%20finder

Thank you 🙏🏽🙌🏾❤️

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