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Apr 15

Joined Feb 8, 2024

This photo simple shows the effect of divorce. Broken home, broken heart, broken family.

Photo Credit: Credit to the High Court. Living together in marriage

Divorce is like a can of worm eating deep into the society.

Many people go into it without considering who will be affected by this single action.

Divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body. It effectively ends the legal relationship between two individuals and allows them to remarry or enter into a new legal partnership. Divorce can be initiated by one or both parties and usually involves the division of assets, property, and custody of any children from the marriage. The reasons for divorce vary, but common factors include irreconcilable differences, infidelity, and financial issues. Divorce laws and processes vary among different countries and can be highly complex. Seeking professional support, such as a lawyer or counselor, can be helpful for those going through a divorce.

But is divorce the best option for common issues in the home? Issues like finance, infidelity ? The answer is no. Though infidelity can be unbearable but there is still room for forgiveness. Before you file that divorce! Stop, pulse and think deep. Remember the children involved. When two elephant fights, grass surfers it.

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