Do You Need Money/Cash?
Aug 26, 2023

Aug 12
Joined Sep 7, 2018

Money is very essential for every human being used under this sun. When I hear people say am okay without money it kind of hurt me, where on this earth will one not need money... Even water a nature made resource we buy it.
Now, forget all those brouhaha's and come with me so we discuss how we can make money for a healthy wealthy life on earth not forgetting the one who gave us access to all these wonderful hings to enjoy God.
I mean you might think am regligious but come to think about it God is even money conscious. Let me tell you, we the religious people Believe God is our creator and all living and non living things on this earth right? If so, then he was the one who created or in financial term invested the following valuable resources for our benefits, gold, diamonds, Bauxite, Oils in the sea and on land etc. Is God not Money conscious?
I hope you got the picture up to this Stage, if so let's continue. I will not like to hear any where any one who have read this my article to say he/she is not money conscious, it's in our vessel because we are created in God's image as the good old book says so.
To reenforced on my point money is not evil at all as a lot of us try to put it, if it's earn the rightful way of course enjoy it and live a good life. On other hand if you have not found it, please don't give up work hard on acquiring it honestly. Because of the later I am here to help all of us our to cultivate this money.
Money making is not about having huge sum of funds, if you asked all those who are wealthiest today most will tell you they all started like us. With one dollar or less and so on but today see where they have become.
All was the power of their financial management ability, what do I mean by that? In our todays financial words we could say they were financial literate. The word financial literacy is the ability of studying or handling of your money, in another word having knowledge about how to handle money/monies.
This is a very important step of making money because if you acquire the about knowledge it will help you with the following qualities; independence (self), sense of security, available information of money practicalities,eand finally you will be in compliance of law of your government and it systems.
Now the above-mentioned technically know how will help you to take advantage of the opportunities that might be operating in your part of country system of government and hence if you utilize it well especially available of access to information it will get you started in your quest to be wealthy.
Growing up all of us have come to the exposure of
such words like income, expenditure, savings, investment, and budget etc
In financial literacy the way one goes around the management of the above terms is what makes money. Income we all know is monies made out of job done or salary or self paid income. Expenditure on the other hand as the name depicts is what you use the income on. Where as savings is the process of putting away some of your income for future use. Investment on the other hand is putting you income in a high value cost item in order to make profit out of it in the future. Typical example of investment is using you save up income for house purchase to be hire for tenants in order to make profit.
Lastly, we come to Budget! A lots of time you have send out a deadline and you have been asked to include a budget. A budget is very important in our every day activities. What ever you do you must compare or estimate cost verse income or source of money. A budget is the process of estimating the amount available minus the cost of purchase, if possible any benefits or profits.
After looking at all the above and putting our every activities in other definitely we will make profits if not at larger margin. However, a lot more is involved in financial literacy. In using the above terms we can't do away again with words like banks, Market share, interest rate, taxation and economy etc.
Banks are very useful in our of wanting to become rich or wealthy, because they help us to do gradual saving with just a little amount of money. And if you consistently make it a habit of course you will in the future save a lot over time. Also buying of share/ market shares like high value products purchase that can add value to your money in the future.
When the banks give you loans because they are a profit making institute they charge you small for keeping your money safely for you and that is what they call interest rate. Some banks interest rate are higher than the other, so look out for all these little profits before saving with any bank. Taxation is another word, simply put Tax in an income that the government place on goods and services and in a long run which come back to be use for social amenities of a particular country. Then lastly, the economy. The economy is just a term that describe all what we just spoke about. It's a system where monies are run and manage effectively for a particular country.
I mean this just it, all about wealth is how you can for see earlier to make use of the about words rightly, effectively and timeline to met your need. In order to succeed you must be disciplinarian, not giving up easily, not over spending unnecessary and look out for banks interest rates on loans if you are a business person, revolve monies quickly to investment that come your way and above all pray the God who created money for our own needs to guide you to take the right step for your own good.
I mean we all shall get here some day. Please don't give up for tomorrow we all live to fight in terms of our financial needs. Have a great weekend and as usual be grateful for the little things have got.
Thank you
Shalom Peace ✌🏾