Embracing a Peaceful World With Open Hands
Sep 22, 2024

Joined May 16, 2017
As I teach my music class today, I've noticed a small bird chirping at the corner of our room. "What's that?", I ask my students. One of my students is shouting with delight telling me: "We caught that bird this morning and we will take care of that bird inside this room!" But, the bird is restless, flying towards the window then, goes back to the same corner again. I hold that bird and it's like a baby clinging on me. Then, I leave the bird alone in that corner again, chirping, then fly again towards the glass window. So my students say: "Miss can we let that bird fly freely outside?" I answer: "That's a good idea!" The bird excitedly goes out of the window for its ... freedom.
Freedom means open hands. Hands that are not cuffed. Hands that are not holding anything...just nothing. Just like a newborn baby that holds nothing. Just like when I had my baby that can sleep peacefully in my loving arms. The time when my husband was still alive and we were not worrying of anything although we both were jobless during those years because God was strengthening our faith through answering our prayers. We experienced so many wonders, miracles and amazing provisions. If we can notice all God's works in our lives, we will have peace of mind that He will continue helping and providing for us.
Peace of mind means letting go of all worries. Waving goodbye to the pasts that bothering the happiness of the present time.
Peace of mind is opening our hands and lending a helping hand to others. It should not be a burden for us to help others but it should be a blessing that God can use us as His instrument in reaching others and inspiring them through our help. Helping is not just providing material things or money but we can encourage them through inspiring them or praying for them. When we share God's blessings with others, we are sharing God's light to them and we will keep on shining. But, we should not do this to be popular or to gain something in return from that person. To have peace of mind is not expecting anything from them whom we helped. Just open our hands. Let go! As we keep on opening our hands, God will pour more blessings on those open hands.
Peace of mind is embracing others and ourselves with open hands. It means accepting others and ourselves for how God created us. Let's open our hearts and minds to understand others. Other people have differences. They have their own experiences and struggles. They lived in different environments. Just like we accept ourselves for who we are too. Let's not compare ourselves with others too. Let's not compare because sometimes that will lead to envy and competitions Sometimes we want to be the most popular, the richest,the smartest...and that is pride. That will not give us peace of mind and others as well. We should accept who we are but this doesn't mean we should not keep on building ourselves to be our better or best version but we should not do this to beat others but to help them. We can inspire others with our achievements. We can serve as a light to them so that they can pursue also to be their best version Peace of mind is seeing others succeed also and celebrate with their success too as a team, as a family. Just like having peace within ourselves. Thanking God for everything He gave us. If we will have open hands, for sure we will live in a harmonious world with love and peace.