Empower Maasai Women to Stop FGM and Spread the ARP throughout Kenya.
Jan 21, 2015
First story

Joined Feb 24, 2013

We have been honored by an invitation to join the Raise for Women Challenge on Crowdrise.com. Visit us at Crowdrise.com/EmpowerMaasaiWomen. This is a perfect continuation from our Indiegogo campaign where we raised enough to sustain the Alternative Rite of Passage, keep Maasai girls in school rather than married off and stop Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) for 5 years. Now we need to assure the ARP program is not only sustained forever but spread throughout Maasailand and Kenya.
The Life Skills and Leadership workshops will do this by educating, giving confidence and voice to the Maasai women and mothers. These marginalized women are ready to gain their strength to support positive change and spread the ARP program to the neighboring tribes and beyond. Help us by spreading the word to your friends telling them why you support the cause. Visit and Like our Facebook page at Facebook.com/ASKenya. Share the posts. Make comments and encourage your friends to do so too.
Visit the campaign to contribute and share there as well. Everything helps. Thanks!