Empowering the tech industry whilst providing employment to women and refugees.

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Laura Jardine Paterson

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Joined Feb 6, 2024

The prevailing digital divide perpetuates inequality in access to employment, particularly for marginalised groups such as refugees and women. Talented individuals constantly encounter systemic barriers hindering their professional advancement and economic stability.

CONCAT Tech holds significance as a driver in the industry for addressing this issue by providing a platform for skilled individuals (predominantly refugee and women developers) irrespective of their background. By championing diversity and inclusion in the tech sector, we not only empower marginalised groups but also enrich the industry with varied perspectives and innovative solutions.

Our main objective is to level the playing field, fostering a tech ecosystem where talent transcends societal divides. We aim to dismantle barriers to entry, ensuring that everyone, regardless of gender or refugee status, has equitable opportunities to excel in the digital sector.

To realise our vision, we adopt a versatile approach. Firstly, we cultivate an inclusive work environment, actively recruiting and supporting women and refugee developers in-house at CONCAT, we work with clients from across the globe on their digital and web presence. Secondly, we recruit top development talent and match them to companies looking for in-house full-time developers. Through all of our work we advocate for policy changes and industry-wide initiatives aimed at promoting diversity and equity in tech. Through these concerted efforts, CONCAT Tech seeks to spearhead a transformative shift in the tech industry, where talent knows no bounds and more companies are hiring based on talent, irrespective of nationality, gender or location.

We love working with other businesses or brands who are passionate about helping make this world a better place - if that sounds like you or you are interested in hearing more about what we do - reach out to us at team@concat.tech.

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