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Joined Aug 13, 2023

It depicts a family

Family are not only people that we are related/bonded to by blood, 

*People that give you peace of mind

*People that stand behind you in good, bad and even worst situations

*People that value you

*People that got your back anytime and any day

*People that support you financially or otherwise

*People that link you up to opportunities that will profit you without feeling jealous 

*People that want to see you progress rather than fail

*People that won't put you in harms way

*People that can feel your pain without you voicing it out

*People that don't join others to condemn and discriminate against you

*People that won't speak ill words against you

*People that won't collect brides just to destroy you

*People that won't gang up with people that hate you

*People that fight for you in your presence and absence.

This are the people we can consider family aside from the people that we're bonded to by blood. Read it carefully and take note of such people in your life because they are the real buddies and they are sometimes hard to find and come by.

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