Fighting for Justice for Tigray #1000 Days of Genocide

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Batseba Seifu

Jan 24

Joined Aug 2, 2023


During the genocidal war that began on 4 November 2020 in Tigray, troops fighting in support of the federal government have committed widespread rape against ethnic Tigrayan women and girls. The perpetrators include members of the Eritrean Defense Forces (EDF), the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF), the Amhara Regional Police Special Forces (ASF), and Fano, an informal Amhara militia group. Given the context, scale, and gravity of the sexual violence committed against women and girls in Tigray, the violations amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Shocking levels of brutality, including beatings, death threats, and ethnic slurs accompanied the sexual violence and this has been documented by international media and international human rights organizations. Some of the victims were held in captivity by the perpetrators for days and weeks, in circumstances constituting sexual slavery. In many cases, the perpetrators raped their victims in front of their children and other family members.

I am calling on you to call for justice for the survivors and their families.

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