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Joined Nov 11, 2023

Photo Credit: margizu

the last picture dana my friend shared while visiting vermont the green state before they got bang up abroad

my friend dana dreamt of new life overses she was a middle class woman with good education amazing career she had a six figures salary that sustained her lavish life she would blow thousands of dollars in drinks and kitchen party every other weekend .one day in one of her eateries she met this handsome man that gave heaven on earth they were match made in heaven she didnt try to hide her man they were a twin flame .i would call it one unit thats how they looked together .so dana and his new man started traveling abroad from one country to the next , sharing expensive hotels , yatch rides , private jet untul i started questioning her like what kind of business were they doing , my insticts started kicking in but again i rubish it off wanting the best for my good friend and a gain i was happy and clapping for her until it was my turn for breakthrough. she was my best friend and everytime they would bard a plane to new destination she would text me and tell me about it. she would ask me what should i bring you i was like something beautiful we ended up langhing about it and i wish her safe flight. so one day they travel to one of the asian countries thats how her nightmare ,drug smuggling and violence started . i had no idea she was swallowing drugs then she poop them once she was on the other side of the world and thats how she managed those beautiful expensiving things that i only saw in movies .during here drug busting she was acting wiered , sweating , restless so the boader security took them together for more questioning in a private room as they speak they are being recorded this happend after the airport dog sat next to them when it smell some drugs from dana thats how the source who were with them told me.. first their luggages were tested and all came up positive for cocain they both denied using drugs during the drug bust test the boarder security decided to give them a body scan see if they both had drugs inside them that too came positive and that was it for both of them , dana started crying telling her boyfriend that '' you the one that introduced me to this"" .that was the end of my friends freedom they were whisked away by anti- narcotic police officer and they both face 25 years imprisontment .i feel gulty i say so because i never questioned her about the expensive gifts she used to bring to me... again why i'm guilty why because none of her family know about her 25yrs imprisonment or drug smuggling all they think is that dana went abroad got a good job and stopped communicating with them. this is what i'm trying to say never admire those beautiful pictures of young women living some lavish life not knowing what they do to fund those trips , you see a young girl less that 30 with big automobile , traveling from one country to the next air ticket alone is too damn expensive were is she getting the money i bet the easy way drug peddlling and its a gamble if you caught no mentioning names you die alone .so once i found out were my friend dana is serving her centense i payed her a visit but it was not easy but with the helpof my friends i managed to get hold of her , she looked so misserable , sad ,alone , i saw vey little beautiful woman some are teenagers that have been taken advantaged of to pendle drugs they looked so scared it made me cry for them but a gain they had a choise to say NO ! BUT because they want the soft life , iphone and other expansive stuff from society pressure and social media show offs not knowing they were creating a terrible misktake that can never be reverced . their life , their freedom their future is done .imagine dana almost died the drugs in her tummy were on the verge of rupturing the border security medical team had to induce her to save her life .ever since my friend dana fall a victim to drug peddling i'm here spreading the word its not woth it because you put yourself in danger it wont end well and drug peddling is short lived so alway say NO to drug peddling your freedom is the best life theraphy once its taken to add injury to insult abroad is not fun at all thats death centance. peddling drugs is never talked about yet its form of silent pandemic targetting the less fortunate with sweet , beautiful promise yet the big fish cannot be reached they use your innocence to get what they want ,i still wish dana my friend never met the boyfriend he ruined her life , dana wanted true love but they boyfriend was after something bad that ruined both of their lives forever. remember this while traveling never let someone parck your suitcase for you do it yourself know all the stuff in your luggage , never agree to pass a suitcase to astranger you met in the airport you might be helping a peddler smuggle drugs that you got nothing to do with always be on the look dont talk to strangers not everyone is your friend some are out here to use you todo drugs .. its not worth wasting your sweet life peddling drugs abroad , because peddlers take advantage of your situation to do things they want . live your life with the little you making from your hard work .dont let the pressure of tiktok and IG lead you astray not worth being bang up abroad for things you would have said NO to with courange and confidence ,say NO to drug peddling

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