Good people

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Dec 19

Joined Jan 8, 2009

Respect the good people in your life.  

Stop saying nobody is indispensable,  

Stop screaming nobody is irreplaceable. 

Stop that habit.  

Nobody can replace anybody.  

You are not their creator.

Stop allowing rage, insensitive statements and ingratitude to separate you and your genuine lovers.

God in his infinite mercy always allows our paths to cross for a particular reason and season.

The way you mistreat these good people can cause the famine of good people in one's life.

You attract what you cherish, embrace, respect, nurture and love. 

Good people will automatically and systematically fill your life if you appreciate good people. That is the law of Nature. 

If you discredit the creditable people sent to your path, Nature has a way of judging issues.

Let us genuinely appreciate the kind angels that crossed our path. 

You may plan to replace them fast fast, but the universe may not have any duplicate of such Angel.

There are many human beings in our lives that even Ten people cannot replace them.

 They are just God-sent. They are spirit beings in human forms. There are unique relationships that are spiritually ordained.  

Respect your lovers. Only a few can love in secret. 

 Respect those special gifts from God. Embrace your children. Kiss those little angels. They are irreplaceable and indispensable's life harvest. 

Hug your spouse. Protect your wife.  

You may think that there are 4 billion other women or men to marry if you throw that woman or man away, but you may never be able to meet such an Angel on earth again. 

Not every thing is tangible. The best thing on earth cannot be seen with these two kongba eyes.

Be vigilant. Be careful. Be kind.

Cherish these beautiful relationships. 

Umuntu ugumuntu ngabantu. 

Ire oooo.

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