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Oluwatosin Joseph

Sep 29

Joined Nov 11, 2023

Photo Credit: Face of a change agent

Being impactful is true living

Why are young people in this generation seeking after popularity so desperately?

I have quite a number of them around, as I be "mama for the young😆" (that's on a lighter note). Really, this thing is becoming so alarming. How a teenager or young adult just want to 'blow' at any given cost without substance or even preparation. (let me clap my hands three times, just as our old Nigerian Yoruba mums do😆😆😆😆).

At last, the fame (if attained at all) crumbles because it is baseless. No root sef!

One of the things I'm quite afraid of is "being on the SPOTLIGHT". Likee, it's tasking!. It's not even about how to get there, it's about consistently staying there doing what??? You get, right?

Honestly, when I see top positive influencers, I deh really like them o but I no deh envy them. Abeg, Na WORK!😆

YES, I know that the world needs that which is in me, but mehn, let me take it one step at a time. Young lady, Build Capacity first before questing for the CITY CAP.

As in.

Understand Your own self first, know what you stand for at least, before launching. No one is saying being popular is bad. But Be IMPACTFUL.

And she asked me, What's the difference between IMPACT and POPULARITY?

Here's my answer:


A thin line exist between being impactful and being popular. Though they overlap.

You could be making impacts as much as you can, yet unpopular. And another person could be so popular with shallow positive impact made.

The end justifies the means🤩

In my opinion, popularity should be one of the benefits one gets for making positive impact. Not a core reason for living.

Make a difference in someone's life.

Genuinely live for others.

Make Sacrifices.

Right in that space you've got.

That's true living.

The Universe sees you.

The World of impact recognizes you.

Divinity takes record.🥰🥰

Popularity will only be a plus when you continue with that little act of goodness that matters.

Right There!

#Newyear in a bit






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