How to Create a Resource Map

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World Pulse

Joined Aug 1, 2007

The wealth you have to offer goes beyond the material resources at hand.

Take stock of what’s around you. What are the resources you have available to you to help you realize your vision and dreams?

At first, you might think of material assets that are at your disposal, as these resources can sometimes seem to be the most useful and the most tangible.

But the wealth you have to offer goes beyond what's material. Your assets can be your voice, your skills, and even your aspirations. The resources in your life could be character traits you possess, such as resilience and strength. Or, the resource could be a community that supports you or a person in your life who has helped guide the way.

To help you take inventory of all of your assets, World Pulse has created a new downloadable guide that you can use to create your own resource map.

A resource map can help you to take an inventory of all your resources—personal, social, material, and cultural. By taking stock of what's available to you and rethinking what is valuable to you, you may find you have an abundance of resources in your life—including things you may not have been aware of.

What does your resource map look like? Share what this exercise was like for you on World Pulse!

Perhaps this exercise helped you to identify something you have that others on World Pulse can benefit from, too. Or, maybe this exercise helped you to identify something you need to reach your goals. Create a Resource post to offer what you have or ask for what you need.

By exchanging what we have with each other—whether it be our wisdom, our time, treasure, or talents—we are strengthening our sisterhood and showing the world just how powerful we are when we join together.

This post is part of World Pulse's #wealthofwomen Wave! From 25 June To 31 July, we're sharing our stories about our Economic Power as women, exchanging resources, and showing the world just how powerful we are when we invest in ourselves and each other. Learn more.

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