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Jun 16

Joined Sep 21, 2023

Understand that Growth is a process. And it will take time. Some days will be harder than others. But the destination you are going to will never disappear. You will get there.

I call upon you to make yourself a Sacred Non-Negotiable priority. Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Fall in love of taking care of your mind. Fall in love of taking care of your body and spirit. Put yourself back at the top of your to do list. Show up, practice and be consistent about it.

Change is inevitable. Accepting that change is an integral part of life will truly set you free. We all have a light within. We all have the power to create the life we love. If you're just beginning to find the courage to be yourself, just beginning to find the courage to go after your dreams, it is crucial to adopt a growth mind-set. The battles we face through change and adopting a growth mind-set is just a reminder that we are resilient. Having resilience to stand up to meet these new challenges is imperative. It certainly isn't easy, but it is important to stay committed to your growth, be open to unexpected opportunities and continue to believe in your own potential.

Recognise that change is happening, and delaying this process can be more stressful than accepting that change early on. You must manifest self belief and self love into yourself before actually welcoming change into your life. If you ever tried to become more self accepting and confident but failed, it is probably because you didn't dig deeper into your negative beliefs.

When we discover new things about ourselves- either positive or negative, it can often feel a little bit uncomfortable. The person we knew ourselves to be has now expanded, and we have to do some mental adjustments to accommodate this new expanded view of ourselves. To enable yourself to fully embrace change and unlock your strengths, you need to understand yourself first.

Here are some tips on how to make these mental adjustments;

1.Be Discipline

Discipline can fix 80% of your problems(Talking from experience I highly agree with this quote). What stands between us and the life we desire is that we constantly talk ourselves out of the things we want to achieve because it demands us to leave our comfort zones. You WILL Bloom if you take the time to water yourself. Step out of your comfort zone and start getting Comfortable with being uncomfortable.


Ever found yourself wondering why you act a certain way or make specific choices? Sometimes it's not random, it could be tied to how you feel about yourself. Love and Kindness is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves. Showing compassion and investing in some serious self love can be one of the most transformative long time journeys you might ever experience. This will help you engage with yourself in the most intimate way. Learning to accept the pain that comes with embracing change is the lesson we have to learn in life. You owe it to yourself to fully show up in this lifetime. Get off autopilot.

3.Be Kind to Yourself

Life can feel overwhelming when you feel frustrated and hopeless, but you must understand that growth is a process and it will take time. Solitude can be powerful way to regain balance and open the door to self discovery and personal development. Intentionally embracing solitude truly is a catalyst for personal growth. So be kind to yourself and don't let people rush you into making really quick decisions when it comes to your life.

What are your priorities and values in this lifetime? And what other tips did I leave? Let me know in the comments below.

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